The newest dummies to hit the market are here! Designed & manufactured right here in Melbourne, Australia. Cmc gold dummies are an Australian owned brand & has been a two & a half year process from the first designs to testing to manufacturing. We can ensure that the dummies have been designed to not only look aesthetically pleasing but they’ve been engineered to be safe, practical & cater for all ages. What is a vented teat? A vented teat is a teat that will allow the air to flow in and out. As the baby sucks on the dummy the teat will flatten in their mouths. Most dummies on the market have vented teats including: bibs, frigg, avent, nuk etc. Should water flow through your teat after steralising your dummy please follow instructions on your box & make sure you squeeze excess water out of your dummies before you give them to bub. Size Guide: Size 1: Ideal for newborns to 6 months Size 2: Perfect for babies 6 months to 18 months Size 3: Suitable for 18 months and older
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